There Is No Anti-Wokeness Without Bad Faith

Unless your friends and family have been vacuum sealed and protected against the brain-altering venom of the Culture Wars, you know “woke” has, quite tragically, become a catchall term for anything a conservative doesn’t like. Anything that scares or annoys a reactionary is woke.
Women fighter pilots flying jets over the Super Bowl? That’s woke.
Black women winning Grammy and Oscar awards? Woke.
A gay couple kissing in an ad about life-saving AIDs medication? That’s right: Woke.
A Starbucks barista with blue highlights and a nose ring? Woker than woke.
Electric stoves? Woke, woke, woke.
Electric cars not made by far-right icon Elon Musk? Woke.
Silicon Valley banks? Wooooooke.
The rainbow of refracted light on the cover of Pink Floyd’s 1973 Dark Side of The Moon album? Woke as a joke.
My daughter refusing to have her ears pierced? Woke! My son playing with a Barbie. Woke! My dad never having said “I love you”? Woke! The yawning nothingness that awaits us after death? WOKE.
You know by now, if you’re even somewhat online, that even right wingers who write books about so-called wokeness have no idea what it means. Or, more accurately, they can’t say what they mean by “woke” because it might involve a slur or six. They aren't saying what they mean, the very essence of political bad faith.