The Bowel-Shaking Bad Faith Of The Debt Ceiling Bullshit

Millions of hours of podcasts and cable news segments and countless thousands of Very Serious Thinkpieces have been dedicated to helping Americans better understand the so-called debt ceiling debate, and none of it – not one word – has been honest.
One can't have an honest conversation about such a brain-breakingly dishonest debate. You can't approach a subject like the debt ceiling – whether Congress will allow the U.S. government to pay its bills – without first rejecting the bad faith seeping out of the topic's every pore. Even pretending it is a "debate" is giving in to the far right's bad faith around government spending. No one, including the most conservative members of Congress, is opposed to out-of-control government spending. Everyone loves government spending as long as the money is funneled toward their political goals, pet causes, and poker buddies. We all love to spend.