One Weird Trick To Turn Libertarians Into Socialists

Fascist puppet master Peter Thiel last week helped trigger a run on Silicon Valley Bank that now threatens the foundation of the global economy, and every time I log on to Twitter for updates on the cascading effects of Thiel's highly suspicious actions, tech bros sound less like Ayn Rand acolytes and more like hardened socialists.
Silicon Valley Bank, known as a backbone of the startup economy, was seized by the government last week after a bunch of rich dudes followed Thiel's lead and took all their money out of the bank. These Silicon Valley cretins, usually trumpeting the importance of personal responsibility and preaching the embarrassingly childish tenets of libertarianism, flocked to social media to beg Big Daddy Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen and Joe Biden to step in and save them.
That's right, folks. With their money vanishing before their very eyes, these tech bros experienced an exorcism of sorts: All the libertarianism had instantly left their bodies. In its place came a flood of Marxist economic theory, wherein the government is there for those in need. I'm sure these folks will one day be possessed again by libertarianism, questioning child labor laws and the age of consent – things of that nature – but for now, they are blood-red communists.
Welcome tech bros. I'm glad you've seen the light, however temporarily.